ABC News Image of Conrad Murray in court with defense attorneys.
Conrad Murray Convicted of Involuntary Manslaughter as Nick Allen of The Telegraph reported this afternoon in the article linked to above. The reading of the verdict can be watched by clicking here.
Joe Jackson had filed wrong death case that was initially allowed to proceed but was being challenged by Dr. Murray based on standing since he was not the personal representative, a trustee or a beneficiary of the estate.
There has already had extensive Probate Litigation in the case and now it will be interesting to see if the personal represenatives of the estate bring a wrongful death case to pursue Conrad Murray for civil damages. This was done in the OJ Simpson case where a judgment was received by the estate of Ron Goldman for $33.5M although an extremely small portion of this has ever been paid. Likewise the estate will need to determine whether Dr Murray has enough assets that a judgment would be collectible as he had lots of debts prior to being hired by Michael Jackson. It will be interesting to see what happens.