As the sad news regarding the suicide death of former NFL All Pro and Chicago Bears Superbowl winner from the 1985-1986 Chicago Bears made the news last month it is becoming more apparent that football players and others who play other contact sports at all levels may be causing far more physical damage than had previously be known.
He was concerned that he may have chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) and texted his family that he wanted to donate his brain for testing prior to shooting himself in the chest to prevent any damage to the brain. CTE is caused by repeated brain damage such as the head on head contact that football players incur or punches Hockey players take. It is linked to dementia, depression, and suicide. CTE has been discovered in other players most recently prior to Duerson was another Hockey star Bob Probert an enforcer to was frequently fighting during 16 years of NHL hockey. He ultimately died from heart trouble but Boston University concluded CTE was present and there were cognitive impairments. Another football player was former Eagles player Andre Waters and a number of other players who are now showing signs of dementia. This had been disregarded until lately but there have been multiple high profile cases recently.
With the latest example of serious health problems from the sport and potential congnitive and other problems caused by CTE greater concern regarding the scope of the problem and whether it may impact those who bang heads in college or prior to getting to the pros.
His backfield teamate Doug Plank died in his 40s of a heart attack while driving. Another team mate Quarterback Jim Mcmahon who used to bang helmets with his offensive lineman in celebration sadly reported last year that he had brain damage and had primarily lost his memory and even walks into rooms and sometimes does not remember why.
These injuries are sadly significantly impacting formerly players in their 40s and 50s who are now experiencing Alzheimers and related symptons sometimes depression and other problems as a result. During the lockout / strike negotations funding the past players health bills is part of the discussions.
See Dave Duerson Legacy Look out Rick Telander Sun Times
See Bob Probert had CTE ESPN article reported from the AP.
See Dave Duerson Texted family
See Jim Mcmahon brain injury legacy.