The Wall Street Journal reported today that he emailed his wife who was staying with their older child in Florida at the moment that they should look in on their 2 year old who was at the home with him and his father in law went to the home and found that he had used the dog leash to hang himself.
He was 46 years old. Today - December 11 2010 was 2 years since his fathers arrest. He had not been criminally charged yet although himself, his brother and Bernie's brother among others were being criminal investigated and the trustee pursuing the case of getting the money back for the victims Irving Pickard had civilly sued the children and brother seeking millions returned. Bloomberg news reported that Mark Madoff was accused of using $66 million he received improperly to buy luxury homes in New York City, Nantucket and Connecticut.
Adding to pressure on Mark was the November 18 arrest of Annette Bongiorao a longtime aid of Bernie who was being sought to cooperate telling what she knew about the sons and others closely involved in the business. It is argued that while the trading desk the sons ran which was legit was also part of the fraudulent part of the business that is at the center of the ponzi scheme and they operated as one business. The manual said that when Bernie was not available that the sons were to see that policies were properly carried out.