The National Business Institute is having an online seminar with some nationally known estate planning attorneys June 30 with the topic being advanced estate planning techniques. To RSVP or for more info call 800 930-6182.
Flyer for 22nd Annual Advanced Estate Planning Techniques webcast
Their description of the estate planning seminar is below.
Make better use of IDITs with practical tips from seasoned attorneys.
Review the most common personal insurance planning mistakes and learn how to prevent and/or correct them.
Delve into the benefits of lifetime and testamentary charitable giving and allow clients to prudently plan - while helping others.
Master Chapter 14 rules: learn how they affect planning and explore generation skipping planning so you can advise clients on all their options.
Safeguard your clients' estates by understanding fractional and pecuniary amount formulas.
Protect the person closest to your client by exploring spousal beneficiaries and spousal rollovers of retirement assets.
Take a detailed look at how a qualified personal residence trust can preserve assets.
Help your clients carry on their legacies through the use of dynasty trusts.